
NXthinking takes many of its ideas from the disciplines of systems thinking, scenario planning and theory of change.

تفكير NX

يوفر تفكير NX طريقة لاستكشاف مشاكل العالم الحقيقي وطرح حلول محتملة لها. كما يشجع الشباب على:

  • أن يكونوا محللين ومبدعين
  • أن يتعمقوا في دراسة الموضوعات
  • أن يقدروا التعقيد وآفاق المستقبل المحتملة المترابطة والمفضلة
  • أن يفكروا فيما يمكن فعله بشكل مختلف لإحداث تغيير إيجابي

تنبع الكثير من أفكار برنامج NXplorers من تخصصاتالتفكير المنهجي، وتخطيط السيناريو، ونظرية التغيير.

NXthinking takes many of its ideas from the disciplines of systems thinking, scenario planning and theory of change. It encourages young people to:

  • be analytical and creative
  • dig beneath the surface
  • appreciate complexity and interrelated possible and preferred futures
  • think about what could be done differently to bring about positive change.

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Cd5987 Nxplorers Heads Aw Rgb Explore Icon


A framework for seeing the bigger picture rather than seeing fragments, and understanding how the parts of the system interact.

Cd5987 Nxplorers Heads Aw Rgb Create Icon


Ask 'what if' questions to explore alternative views of the future and create plausible stories around them.

Cd5987 Nxplorers Heads Aw Rgb Change Icon


A methodology of thinking that imagines how and why a certain change is expected to happen.


The NXplorers programme is divided into three stages and combines systems thinking, scenario planning and theory of change methodologies.

Explore Small

Create Small

Change Small


The first stage of the NXplorers programme is to Explore. Exploring enables you to discover what the issues are, what’s causing them and how you can find out more about them.

The Explore tools use systems thinking to examine issues in context, to dig beneath the surface of complex problems and to gain a good understanding of their root causes.

The tools will enable you to uncover hidden patterns, connections and interdependencies that might be part of the issue. Revealing these is crucial if you are to create sustainable solutions.


The second stage of the NXplorers programme is to Create. This is the stage where you consider what the future would be if nothing changed. You will also start to think about the actions that could bring about positive change and what the preferred future is.

The Create tools show you how to use scenario planning to plot a variety of possible futures. Scenario planning helps you to look at current trends so that you can make sound predictions about the future and better decisions right now. This stage is important because the scenarios that emerge will inform your decisions about which actions or projects to implement. Having a clear vision of a preferred future allows you to take the steps needed to create it.


The third stage of the NXplorers programme is to Change. It is the stage where you consider what action needs to be taken to achieve the preferred future.

The Change tools are based on theory of change methodologies. They encourage you to collaborate with others and think critically about your ideas. They also help you plan for and action positive change, while inspiring others to do the same. Use them to create an action plan that will help you to track progress and see the difference you’re making.